Rodovia Padre Manoel da Nóbrega Km 286.

11346-300 – São Vicente / SP

+ 55 (13) 3225-3281

+ 55 (13) 3301-2682

Rodovia Padre Manoel da Nóbrega Km 286.

11346-300 – São Vicente / SP

+ 55 (13) 3225-3281

+ 55 (13) 3301-2682

Main Activities

Mini Refurbishment

In view of the new market changes TECNITAINER is able to offer all our customers a container Tank reform program with cosmetic feature called “Mini Refurbishment“.


Before Mini Refurbishment.

After Mini Refurbishment.

Inspection tank containers

Once at the terminal, all ISOtank is subjected to a thorough evaluation process to detect any faults.

Cleaning and Decontamination ISOtanks

img4Trained teams perform the service in chemical and food tanks in completely segregated spaces. In the new storage, the exclusive bay for chemical ISOtanks doubled the capacity, now conducting 30 simultaneous calls. Already the Alimentary Standard bay, is able to carry 9 cleanings at the same time.

Heating Products

The work carried out by qualified professionals in an appropriate structure facilitates the removal of waste and the disposal of waste, increasing the quality of cleaning of ISOtanks.


Qualified team performs general repairs in containers in a wide exclusive area in our storage. Certified professionals follow strict quality standards.

Cargo handling

img3The logistics terminal is thoroughly prepared. Thus, depending on the customer’s needs, you can change quickly and perfectly pre-established places for each ISOtank, streamlining the output of the tanks from the terminal.

Load / Transshipment Transfer

We have technical knowledge and the necessary infrastructure to safely transfer and quality standards required between loads and tanks or trucks-tanks to ISOtanks.


In a totally grounded ground against lightning, with specific lighting and proper flooring, the TECNITAINER can store 945 ISOtanks without harming the logistics terminal.

Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Test

To define the actions necessary for the implementation of evaluations, we have a staff of skilled employees in the execution of the task.

Wastewater Treatment and Gas Washer

To meet the Legislations Existing we have a professional trained in Chemistry (Chemical Technical), full-time responsible for performing physical-chemical treatment of effluents from the cleaning of Containers Tanks, for this purpose the TECNITAINER constantly investing in new technologies and Effluent Treatment system.

Effluent Treatment Plant

Gas Washer

External service

With own vehicles and experienced professionals working in external terminal areas, helping customers when needed.
